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Estado del producto previo al pedido
Keys of Memories Border Sleeves
This Product is in Production. Shipping starts Mid of November.
Chest of Memories Deckbox
This Box is currently in Production. Shipment starts Early - Mid December.
Brothers Disaster Border Sleeve
DELAY! Due to multiple waves of Error Border Sleeves from our Supplier, we are forced to reproduce them. We can not ship low quality error Products to our Customers! New Production will be finished End of October. All Bundle and Border Only Orders, will be delayed till finish.
Brothers Tragedy Deckbox
The Deckbox has arrived. Shipping starts now.
Please keep in mind that Orders including the Border Sleeve, sadly have a Delay due to the Border Sleeve Issue.
Surgeon of Death Deckbox
Boxes now in our Warehouse. Shipment starts now!
Demonsmith Deckbox
On the Way to our Warehouse.
China To Go Deckbox
Currently in Production. Product will be shipped to our Warehouse End of October.
The Berserk Deckbox
The Deckbox will be shipped Start of December.